Your Gift Can Last Forever
Endowed Gifts
An endowment gift creates a permanent legacy for you, allows you to honor a family member or loved one, and provides a steady stream of funds to sustain The Rural Outreach Center well into the future.
Your endowment donation will be invested wisely. That way, the endowment grows, even if in the future annual payouts are below 5%, which will keep The Rural Outreach Center debt free. To date we have not spent any gifts given to ROC's Endowment Fund kept at The Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo.
To learn more about how you can have an enduring impact contact the Office of Advancement at [email protected] or call (716) 240-2220 X202.
Fund It With:
Appreciated Securities
Real Estate
An Example of How It Works
Longtime supporters Grant and Mavis have two goals: First, they want to make sure The Rural Outreach Center continues to receive support after they're gone. Second, they would like to honor their parents with a named gift that will benefit rural families. They make a $25,000 donation to The Rural Outreach Center (minimum for a named endowed gift), which we invest, and each year, a portion of the income from the invested money will be used to support our mission in the future, in honor of their parents. In addition, Grant and Mavis will qualify for a federal income tax charitable deduction on their taxes.
Next Steps
1. To learn more about how you, too, can have such an enduring impact, contact Amelia at the Office of Advancement at (716) 240-2220 X202 or email [email protected].
2. Seek the advice of your financial or legal advisor.
3. If you include The Rural Outreach Center in your plans, please use our legal name and federal tax ID.
Federal Tax ID Number: 46-0817544
Legal Name: The Rural Outreach Center, Inc.
Address: Office of Advancement – Gift Planning
PO Box 447
East Aurora, NY 14052-9789