ROC Ripples — 6.4.19

Most of the time when we think about single parents, we think about mothers and their children. The ROC has many of those.

But we also have some single dads who are heroes to their children and to the staff at the ROC. 

Take Sam, for instance. He’s raising five girls all on his own and holding down a full-time job.  The job doesn’t pay enough for him to do it all without help. But with your support, you have been there for him and his children all along the way. Because of you, he and his children have attended counseling, camp and after-school activities.

The ROC has the most devoted volunteers.  

Sam and his children have a dedicated ROC volunteer SWAT (Social Work Assistance Team) member who works with him and his children weekly.  When Lydia, his youngest, wound up with lice from a classmate, their SWAT member bought the medicine she needed.  The SWAT member made sure to instruct them to wash the bed sheets in hot water … only to be told they had no sheets for their beds.  

Your dedication makes sure Sam and his children got the care they needed, including the sheets.

So, this Father’s Day, think of Sam and his children who are enjoying the day so much more because of you.

From all the ROC father’s you assist on their journey, thank you for all you do!

Monique Brannon, Director of Development

Sometimes ripples turn into tsunamis!

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