- Paralegal Studies from Hilbert College
- English Literature and Art History from SUNY Oswego
- CCNY Wraparound Certification
- Care Coordination Certificate
Lead Intake Coordinator, Acute Care Coordinator, and Program Manager
Kelly Shanahan
Kelly is The Rural Outreach Center’s Care Coordinator and Community Outreach Coordinator. As Care Coordinator, she evaluates the needs of individuals and determines the best way to provide acute care and transition them into ongoing support. She works to elevate people to self-sufficiency by providing ongoing support in finding housing and a job, obtaining further education, and identifying further needs. As Community Outreach Coordinator, Kelly manages outreach events designed to reach community members, either those who may need The ROC’s services or those who are interested in learning more about The ROC and how they can become involved.
716-240-2220 ext. 207