Ashley came to The ROC in crisis. She had two children. Her abusive husband was in jail for his violence against her. She was in the process of getting a divorce. She had no income, no savings, and no car. She was being evicted. Her children were acting out. Life was falling down around Ashley and she needed help. The ROC was here for her.

Ashley’s care coordinator was at her side every step of the way. She helped Ashley navigate the court system, attending hearings with her and helping her feel confident and less alone in the process. She connected Ashley with social services and helped her get temporary assistance, SNAP, HEAP, and WIC benefits. The care coordination efforts didn’t stop there. Ashley’s care coordinator worked with other community agencies to help Ashley find housing for herself and her children. The ROC was there as Ashley moved into that new apartment – celebrating a new start for the whole family.
As life began to regain some normalcy, Ashely gained confidence to keep moving forward. She found a job as a teacher’s aide. Her new home is close to work and her kids’ school. As Ashley addressed her stressors with The ROC’s help, her children picked up on her new confidence and slowly stopped acting out. Ashely steadily regained control over her life and became capable of self-sufficiency.