Board Officers
Executive Director
Dr. Frank Cerny, MDiv.
Board Chair
Timothy Lafferty
Board Treasurer
Brian Maze
Board Secretary
Jane Vosseller
Board Members
Katherine Daley
Vicki Feine
Amelia Hakes
John Hart
Sheret Jagord
David Murray
Stacy Oar
William Owens, Jr
Christye Peterson
Damario Sarden
Marcia Keller, Recording Secretary

Several of The Rural Outreach Center Board Members at the Scott Bieler Family Foundation Rural Outreach Center Opening & Dedication Celebration, June 2023.

Annual Report
Read how The ROC, our member agencies, donors, and volunteers work together to help our Participants reach self-sufficiency.
990 NYS Forms
As an exempt organization, we make our annual tax return (990) available for public inspection.
Audited Financial Statements
Independent auditors examine and prepare our financial records. See our statements and disclosures.