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Every July 4th while you are sitting in your sister’s or brother’s backyard, on your lawn chairs, eating your first hot dog of the season, and later oohing and ahhhing over the colorful bursts of stars in the sky, we often forget what we are really celebrating.   Independe

Good news! We have been selected to receive technical assistance to help expand economic opportunities in our rural areas. We are among two other New York State organizations that were awarded these grants. As part of the Rural Community Assistance Partnership, we have been assig

Most of the time when we think about single parents, we think about mothers and their children. The ROC has many of those. But we also have some single dads who are heroes to their children and to the staff at the ROC.  Take Sam, for instance. He’s raising five girls all on

Mork: On Earth, a mother does all sorts of other nice things for her children for her entire life. Oh, it’s a warm and wonderful thing.Orson: How much does she get paid?Mork: Nothing.Orson: Is it because her work is considered of no real value?Mork: No, because it’s consider

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